Wednesday, June 17, 2009

i believe...

I believe…

That a sunburned nose in the middle of winter is good for your soul.

That love should never be more complicated than your closest friendship.

That you only fall in love once in your lifetime, but you have soul mates that change as you do throughout life.

That everyone should read "To Kill A Mockingbird" as an adult.

That before you react to anything, you should take a step back and put it in perspective.

That you should be passionate about your life and the things you do.

That standing still is not enough, if you aren't taking strides forward anything can knock you down.

That you should NEVER have to give an excuse for ending a relationship; life's too short to stay with someone just because you can't give them a good enough reason for walking away.

That trusting people and being open doesn't mean you have to be naïve.

That you can have opinions about people and still not judge them.

That jealousy is a waste of time in any situation, especially when it comes to a significant other.

That if you can't remember the last time you laughed so hard that you couldn't breathe you're taking things too seriously.

That if you don't take the time to try new things or experience new people, you never really know who you are.

That when something bad happens you'll eventually wake up one day and it won't be as big of a deal as it was the day before, so cut the big deal days to a minimum and just get over it today.

That some bridges are meant to be burned and sometimes you have to be the one to light the match.

That sometimes it takes getting played to realize you need to step up your game.

That when you try to be someone you're not, everyone can tell so just be yourself.

That truly forgiving someone involves being grateful to them.

That excuses aren't necessary in a majority of the instances they are used.

That my closest friends are the ones I can go months without talking to and we can just pick up right where we left off without any explanations.

That it's okay that my idea of a perfect Sunday afternoon involves shorts, a blanket, football, and maybe a guy.

That it's impossible to use too much lotion, chapstick, or understanding.

That watching someone play poker for money will show you just about all you need to know about them.

That it's okay if the best thing you got out of your last relationship was your favorite pair of sweats.

That there is a difference between the moments you will always remember and the ones you can never forget.

That everyone should be able to vividly recall the exact moment they realized that life is bigger than they are.

That life is sweet. : )

1 comment:

  1. I heart you and totally agree. When we grow up, let's have a cafe/boutique; your desserts will be a great place to start...
